Community views on human rights aspects of police service in Cebu City


Community views on human rights aspects of police service in Cebu City
Arbasto, Arkim L.
Cabinas, Erbon John R. Cabinas
Gulay, John Dj S.
Sopeta, Jerson
Call Number
T Ar16 2023
This Study Aimed To Explore The Insights And Perceptions Of The Community Regarding On The Human Rights Aspects In Cebu City. It Determined The Following Views Of The Informants On How Police Service Was Conducted In Relation To Human Rights Aspects, Addressing The Challenges Encountered Particularly In Human Rights Violations And Aspirations Of The Informants To Improve Quality Of Police Service In Cebu City. This Study Employed A Qualitative Phenomenological Method Of Research Using An Interview Guide
Unthical Action
Not Adhering Good Practices And Service
Intolerable Acts Of Violence
Experiences Excessive Force
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice
Number of Pages
iv, 98 pages
Cebu City, Philippines: University of Cebu, 2023
Branch Library
College / Main Library
Shelving Location
4th Floor